Hey, do you know what paralysis is?
What is it?
It's when you lose control of a part of your body.
Oh! [pause] I think I have that.
Well, you should get it checked out. There's a hospital right up there.
I don't have any money.
There's a free clinic.
Eh. I kind of want to die.
Well, okay.
He was an attractive kid with nice skin. I wonder where he was going. Last night I had dinner with Albert at Cafe Intermezzo in Berkeley. It was a beautiful evening--it's amazing how much warmer it feels over there than in the City. I got back to the City and got drinks with Andy and his girlfriend Becca at Valley Tavern in Noe. We ended up being there for past three hours, a few of the only people in bar after 1 a.m. on Sunday night, sharing beer and Andy and Becca playing songs on the digital jukebox, Beck, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, the Jackson 5.
Andy is restrained when he speaks, but I'd describe him with something he once said about one of our students, Forrest: he lets things in. Andy has this quote taped to his bathroom mirror: "Be patient toward all that is unresolved in your heart." -Rilke