Friday, June 22, 2007

Friday Night in the Royal Station Hotel

Light spreads darkly downwards from the high
Clusters of lights over empty chairs
That face each other, coloured differently.
Through open doors, the dining-room declares
A larger loneliness of knives and glass
And slience laid like carpet. A porter reads
An unsold evening paper. Hours pass,
And all the salesmen have gone back to Leeds,
Leaving full ashtrays in the Conference Room.

In shoeless corridors, the lights burn. How
Isolated, like a fort, it is -
The headed paper, made for writing home
(If home existed) letters of exile: Now
Night comes on. Waves fold behind villages.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your blog has gotten pathetic. But then I've been feeling pathetic, too. I'm leaving here in a week or so, and I'm worried about X. How do you break up with someone just because they're too nice? A relationship should be like two people cooking together in a tiny sailboat's galley, part slapstick and part grace. Sometimes you'll work really well together, sometimes you'll bump into each other while doing various tasks. It's actually a good thing to bump, because it allows you to feel the heft of the person. It's the unexpected that makes the small space exciting. But with X. it's like we're cooking together in a ballroom. She's so accommodating. I know I'm being an asshole, but that's what I've been realizing about our relationship. Another way of thinking of it: a relationship should be like that crocodile and the great white in the tank, but this time they really want to be together. They're two of a kind but they're also different. The difference makes everything exciting. They get along and sometimes they don't. They don't want to kill each other, but sometimes there's a little blood in the water.


10:02 AM, June 24, 2007  

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