my students' things
Darron's shoes, Malik's shoes, Dana's books, Braneya's lotion, Chase's mallets, Abby's staff paper, Aimee's hair ties, Seth's bats, Trevon's shoes, Michael's Palm Pilot, Kyndall's pumpkin, Laron's beanie, Vicky's moldable eraser, Keelan's oars, Eva's cape, Durante's cape, Anna's gum wrappers, Cameron's lacrosse stick, Nia's bandanas, Manny's necklace, Brandon's DS, Ivan's trophy, Sasha's water bottle, Ben's pin, Antonette's compact, Koutney's keys, Danny's hat, Torri's stories, Chenoa's husbands, Tom's CD player, Nancy's photos, Cici's weave, Kristina's bagels, Akira's gloves [boxing], Caroline's journal, Sam's calculator, Jameila's earrings, Jonna's fruit snacks, Ariel's pen, Vijay's cricket bat, Jeffrey's sketches of cars, Taylor's scarves, Harley's chains, Jimmy's headphones, Jared's crutches, John's pizza, Fevn's socks, Jenny's patches, Jules's super ball, Kenny's bike, Ben's guitar.
What about Mika's _____? Will's ______?
This makes me think about the one thing that someone else would think of as characteristically me. This makes me think about the one thing that I would think of as characteristically myself. I don't know. I'm about to move. The thought experiment of the one most characteristic thing that would define me seems important to think about, given all the stuff I have to box up, throw away, consider donating, consider important, consider not. Looking at my stuff, I want to go all Witness Protection Program on myself. Leave it all. Boyfriends. Girlfriends. Best friend. Friends. Family. Address book. Picture of first dog. Disneyland snowglobe. First kiss. First lay. First death. And start over somewhere, as clean of memories as a baby, but grown up. And where would I start over? Where would you? Imagining this one place would probably say a lot about you, too. It would be like that one characteristic thing. I sometimes think: New Zealand, working in a vineyard. Sometimes: Florida, in a sleepy beach town, working in a diner as a short-order cook. It doesn't matter where. The important thing is to leave it all behind. I can't be the only one who thinks this fantasy all the time. It's just that no one has the courage to actually do it. Unless you're like Bobby Fischer or Weldon Kees. I want to be someone else, but I'm too pussy to be. Instead I'll go get some money using the ATM card with my name on it. Get a haircut from the frazzled Korean lady who knows my name and mangles it. And buy duct tape while I'm out. Which would make it my one characteristic thing. Duct tape. Dan's duct tape.
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