Sunday, June 03, 2007

Great White vs. Crocodile

The city was fragrant tonight, I smelled lavender and rosemary and charcoal and incense and fabric softener. Walking up 17th I passed the skeleton of a new house & smelled the cut wood. It reminded me of Hales Corners when we'd bike through the new developments and the house frames made the whole area smell like sawdust.

Last weekend I was in L.A. with Adam, and I got to watch his widescreen HDTV. I watched a show called Great White: Uncaged where people swam with great white sharks without a cage. I was watching that show, seeing 15' long great whites in high definition, seeing their jaws and their faces with gashes and scars all over them, and I was thinking, great whites are the baddest animal on the planet.

Then we watched Planet Earth, and the first episode we saw was "Fresh Water," which includes this scene of wildebeest getting eaten by Nile crocodiles that can be more than 16' long.

After seeing that I thought that maybe crocodiles were even badder than great whites, because there's no way you could swim with crocodiles without a cage. They'd eat you--no test bites like great whites will do, crocodiles would just start eating you right away. But then I saw these clips (1, 2) also from Planet Earth. That shit is mind-blowing! After that I was back to thinking that great whites are the meanest animal in the world.

What do you think? If you put a great white and a Nile crocodile [edit: of equal length, say 4.5 meters/about 15'] in a tank together (pretending they could both survive in the same water, i.e. fresh or salt), and neither has eaten for like two weeks, who's going to live? Which one is the BMP (Baddest Motherfucking Predator) on Planet Earth? This is like Godzilla vs. King Kong; Alien vs. Predator; Freddy vs. Jason. Except great whites and crocodiles are real.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

silly, dave. don't you know that, to find the answer to ANY question in the world, all you need is Google.

i won't tell you who wins.

here's an article that refutes the victory, however:

and here's a guy who pretty much wrote the exact same blog entry that you did (except that he has pictures, too):

7:19 AM, June 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, blogger messed up my links.

here's the article.

here's the blog.

8:24 AM, June 08, 2007  

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