Saturday, June 09, 2007

Oakland today

The liquor store on the corner by my apartment sells eggs 3 for 99ยข from a little basket at the counter. So, if you go in to buy beer to fuck yourself up, you can also consider making an omelet.

I didn't post yesterday, I know! I was feeling sick all day. Watched a documentary with SSJE called Soldiers of Conscience about conscientious objectors in the Iraq war. I told my large school classes I won't be back next year. A lot of people told me I would cry, and I might have, but I felt too sick. I felt more like I was going to faint.

Had dinner with my dad at Saul's after school, then drove him to the airport to rent a car. He's going out to a party in Stockton thrown by a college friend of his. His friend just started a coffee company.

Going to a barbecue at Sherene's in Oakland later where I'll fuck myself up. Then I need to work on some recordings. One of my students has a friend at the Cal radio station who will play me. I need to give her what I want to play on Monday.

For the life of me
I cannot remember
What made us think that we were wise and we'd never compromise


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On Friday I started feeling really sick also, and left work at about 3 o'clock, my head raging. I spent yesterday in bed, listened to Amy Winehouse, off-and-on reading a book about the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, slept. It was kind of nice, being sick. Friday was bad, though. On my lunch hour, lying on the grass in the Common, I had a thought: death. Death and self-loathing. The sky was blue overhead, it was warm, but it was death I had in my mind, expecting to die, going to die. But then a voice spoke, maybe from inside my head, maybe from the grass, maybe from the Coke can lying near me, a voice from somewhere: "You are not going to perish, you are going to become a zebra. You will have stripes on your back, and you will love people, as you do not now. That is why you will be turned to a zebra, so that you will be a companion among children in the zoo, and you will love the children, whom you do not love now. Zoo keepers will love you because of your soft eyes and your soft bray, and you will love your keeper, as you do not now." Everything is okay then, I said, listening to the voice speak of the future. I will learn to love after all. And what will happen to you, you voice in my ear, I asked. And the answer came: "I am going to have to love you as a zebra, when I did not love you as a man."

7:52 AM, June 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forgot to put down my name: Dan.


7:55 AM, June 10, 2007  

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