Sunday, November 20, 2005

I was walking down Church Street the other day and there was this dad
walking hand-in-hand with a little blonde girl who looked about four.

Girl: Daddy, when we get to the airport, is it going to be loud?

Dad: Well, I don't know... It'll be pretty loud. Not too bad,
though, but yeah, it'll be loud.

Girl: Can you cover my ears if it's loud?

Dad: Yeah. I'll cover your ears.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe that this is you. You are always so tacit, punctuated and aloof, but now you're pouring a stream of consciousness myriad girls at Stanford would have died for you heartbreaker you.
I miss you. I wish we could hang out and drink, talk about the universe, play beatles songs acoustic and make up fun names for you like Damian Fonzarelli.

10:56 PM, December 26, 2005  

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