Thursday, September 29, 2005

My Blog Is My Best Friend

The weather's been bracing the past few days. It's nice to wake up when it's sunny and cloudless and cool. The other day I took a nap in the afternoon under my big comforter with the breeze blowing in through the window. Last night was chilly and when I got home I made a cup of chai tea with milk and honey. I think what I like about fall is everything is about comfort. I wear sweaters and drink tea and take naps and snuggle up to keep warm. It's very luxurious and romantic.

Anyway. I've been thinking hard about stopping this blog for good. In recent entries I've really been struggling with whether or not this is mostly for other people or a personal journal. I always struggle with how candid I should be in these entries. There are certain places where I need to exercise discretion, like when talking about other people, because I don't want this to be some kind of passive-agressive, manipulative way of insinuating my feelings to people. Also, I don't want to embarass anyone. But that much I'm okay with. What it's more about is whether or not I want people reading some of the things I want to write; and whether they'll even want to read those things. I think what I mean is when I'm upset, which I have been recently. It's why I didn't post the past few weeks. Do people want to read about my being upset or lonely? Do I want them to?

I always argued with people who told me they didn't like blogs that mine was going to be different--honest no matter what. In fact that's why I started a blog as opposed to a private diary. I wanted to be as honest as I could in full view of everyone. Well, of course I'm not. There will always be things that I'm ashamed of, or that wil hurt someone deeply. Still, I wanted to be forthcoming in ways that I'm not in person, since I tend to be reserved and it bugs me. I want to SAY what I MEAN, but I never get it right.

I mean, it's necessary to have a private life (I think I read something about that once, how you need to have a secret life to be healthy). But I don't know, I just feel like I'm still not fully here in these words sometimes. And I'm tired! I guess if nothing else it's nice to have a place to sort out my thoughts.

Nice, someone is peeing outside my window. Writing this out has made me feel a little better, so, who knows, I'll probably be back to writing about some silly nonsense tomorrow.

Oh ONE TEP, you might be all I have. And by the way, in the spirit of full disclosure, the title of my blog refers to the book ONE L which was some guy's journal of his first year at Harvard Law School (oooh, I'm going to add "turbulent" to my title). Interestingly, the author's son was my year at Stanford, he was in Bereket's frat, and I guess Stefanie went on a date with him once.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

is this for real?

5:13 PM, September 29, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't go crabface, we can't have fun without you.

9:42 PM, September 30, 2005  
Blogger DB said...

Thanks Albert.

11:58 PM, September 30, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and thanks Masha.
(maybe you won't have to make any more official posts, and you can just keep us updated on this comments page)

8:13 PM, October 01, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

albert it's unnerving when you say something nice

5:40 PM, October 02, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard a great one the other day:

"If my dog had a face like yours, I'd shave its ass and teach it to walk backwards"


5:29 PM, October 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why do lesbians make bad boxers?

10:21 PM, October 06, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so there was this guy who entered a pun contest at the town fair. and he entered 10 puns because he wanted to increase his chances of winning. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.

5:36 PM, October 23, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what did the witch put in her hair?

2:40 PM, October 26, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

crabface, bring some high quality humor back into our lives.

8:53 PM, October 26, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


2. Jump Off

1. a casual sexual partner or girlfriend
2. a woman of dubious sexual practices
3. anything new and/or hot; especially in reference to a party or material item
From 'Phonetime" by CNN

"The day I come home I need a mink and a brand new Mac, a few jump offs, some doms..."

From 'Pump It Up' by Joe Budden

"My jump off doesn't run off at the mouth so much, My jump off never ask why I go out so much, My jump off never has me going out of my way, And she don't want nothing on Valentines Day, My jump off don't argue or get rebellious,And she don't mind hanging out wit da fellas,My jump off's not insecure or jealous

2:34 PM, November 05, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

two people are having sex, the male flips the female on her stomach and proceeds to have sex with her "doggy style." the girl asks her partner, "isn't that a little presumptious?" he responds, "isn't that a big word for an eight year old?"

8:59 PM, November 07, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the question for the answer, 9W?
"Is your name spelled with a V, Herr Wagner?"

9:04 PM, November 07, 2005  
Blogger DB said...

Did you hear about the blind prostitute? You really had to hand it to her.

7:59 PM, November 08, 2005  

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