Friday, September 02, 2005

Fuck. Well I promised a lot of people that I would have a new post up here, and I had a long, detailed one going about my last few days in New York, complete with artwork and pictures, but then my browser crashed so I lost all of it. And it's 5:15 in the morning and I have to meet my dad at the airport this afternoon, so I'm going to sleep. I'll re-write the long post tonight.

While I was writing I had a few nice conversations on IM, first with Stef who thinks she's starting to find her clique at law school, which makes her happy. She sounds a lot more confident and content than when I left. I talked with Michelle for a while, which was fun. She was very complimentary about my blog, and very voluble in general. She has so much energy for such a small person. She's easy to talk to, has no pretenses. Then I talked with Avik, which always makes my night. We talked about that movie The Forty-Year-Old Virgin, which we both thought was great. According to Avik he was drunk, though I couldn't really tell. He was hilarious, though. Man, I love that guy.



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