Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Term 3 Results Pt. 2

Here are the totals (things have changed slightly since yesterday).

Out of 47 students, there are:

27 F's
8 D's
3 C's
8 B's
1 A

27 F's seems like a lot, but you have to understand that half of those are students who were either late every day to first period, or hardly showed up at all.

The high percentage stands at 94.8 (period 1, and, obviously, the only A). The new low, from period 3, is 1.79 percent. Although, again, that's a kid who was barely in class.

It's late, and I don't feel like calculating the median percentage. Plus, will all of the absences, and the fact that I bumped a lot of students up past what their percentages indicated, the median percentage doesn't mean much. It would probably be around 50%.

And yes, I think it's ethical to share my students' grades. It's anonymous, and it might lead to discussion that will inform my teaching. And it's not like I'm bad-mouthing them, except for Nathan, because that kid SUCKS.


Blogger Panucci said...

That's just good teaching, regardless.

2:51 PM, April 28, 2006  

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